LASIK patients can’t stop gushing about their new vision. After the heartbreak of glasses and contacts, permanent vision correction allows them to see the many splendored things they’ve been missing.
How do patients love LASIK? Let us count the ways! Here are 5 reasons:
1. There’s more of LASIK to love.
That is, modern LASIK can treat more refractive errors (vision problems) than ever. For example, the earliest LASIK surgery was not recommended for people with astigmatism. That has changed with constant advancement of the technology used in laser eye surgery.
Modern LASIK at Eye Specialty Group can treat a range of vision problems:
- Astigmatism – blurry or distorted vision caused by a misshapen eyeball or cornea.
- Hyperopia (farsightedness) – blurry close-up vision.
- Myopia (nearsightedness) – blurry vision at distances.
- Presbyopia – blurry vision up close, due to stiffening of the cornea as we age. Also known as “over-40 vision,” presbyopia isn’t technically a refractive error but can be treated with some of the same vision correction techniques.
If you have ever been told your astigmatism disqualifies you from LASIK vision correction, come get a second opinion at Eye Specialty Group. You may be surprised at your vision correction options.
2. Sometimes “Love Hurts” as the song says. But LASIK… that’s a different story.
Patients commonly describe LASIK as a virtually painless procedure. In fact, patients have told us it feels more like a very slight pressure than anything. Our doctors use special numbing drops to keep your eyes comfortable, and the healing period is fast. For patients who feel nervous about the procedure, your Memphis LASIK surgeon can even prescribe a light sedative to help you relax.
If you’ve ever had an infection from contact lenses, grit under your lens or contact lens intolerance (CLI), you’ll appreciate saying farewell to those daily risks and falling in love with your vision again.
3. LASIK surgery is a whirlwind procedure.
The lasers used in Modern LASIK at Eye Specialty Group typically require less than 1 minute of treatment for each eye – and that minute goes by quickly. Most patients will be in and out of the entire procedure process in 15-20 minutes if both eyes are corrected.
4. Break up with the never-ending costs of glasses and contacts.
Your lifelong partnership with permanent vision correction doesn’t mean an eternity of expense. Unlike prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, Modern LASIK won’t keep costing you money forever and ever. Once the procedure is paid for, you’re done. For most Memphis LASIK patients, LASIK will pay for itself in what they save from ditching prescription eyewear – sometimes many times over.
5. Eye Specialty Group patients love their LASIK results at first sight.
Patients often report experiencing better vision before they have even left our office, and it only improves as the quick healing process takes place. Most LASIK patients end up with 20/20 vision or better within a week or so after their procedure.
Permanent vision correction has given millions of people a brand-new relationship with their vision. Ready to kick your contacts to the curb? Find out if you are a candidate for LASIK by taking a quick LASIK Self-Test.
Eye Specialty Group offers patients a wide range of vision services, from specialized glaucoma treatment, laser cataract surgery and retina surgery to LASIK and eye reconstructive surgery. Vision correction procedures include Blade-Free iLASIK, PRK, Implantable Contact Lenses, Clear Lens Exchange and Blade-Free Laser Cataract surgery with Lifestyle IOLs. Our dedicated and caring professionals are here to provide the best possible care to you and your family. Contact us at (901) 685-2200 or visit us online at EyeSpecialtyGroup.com.