Here comes the sun … are you ready for it? More importantly, are your eyes ready?
If you have ever considered permanent vision correction, you may have asked yourself, “When is the best time for LASIK?” Everyone’s schedule is different, but in terms of the best time of year for LASIK, many patients choose spring.
LASIK during this temperate season is ideal for a number of reasons. Here are our top five:
1. Scheduling may be easier
Ever try to take time off in winter? It can be done, but if half the office is out with the flu, a voluntary absence won’t make you popular. Springtime might be a better option, since fewer people are catching colds, COVID and the flu. Not only that, but there aren’t as many major holidays to schedule around. And with our advanced vision correction technology, recovery is typically quick and comfortable. Most patients only take off a day from work to have their procedure, if that.
2. Two words: summer watersports
Your eye doctor will tell you not to wear your contacts while swimming at the pool, or when boating, waterskiing or tubing on a river, lake or ocean. Don’t even wear contact lenses in the shower. Doing so can result in dangerous eye injuries or infections. Eyeglass wearers, you’re not off the hook either: You have to take off your corrective eyewear too, unless you don’t mind losing a $400 pair of glasses at the bottom of your favorite swimming hole.
When you get LASIK in springtime, you’ll be free of those glasses and contacts in plenty of time to enjoy summer watersports without the worry.
3. The freedom to sport cool shades
Pop out to lunch or take off on spring break without a second thought about eyeglasses, contacts or any of the associated supplies. We still recommend UV-rated sunglasses – but those are cool! You can pick up a fashionable pair for under $20, compared to the hundreds of dollars you would spend on prescription sunglasses.
4. Springtime healing is comfortable
Healing after Modern LASIK vision correction is pretty quick and painless, but it’s more comfortable during mild spring weather. No cold, dry winter air to aggravate dry eye syndrome, and no summer sweat dripping into your still sensitive eyes.
5. Eye Specialty Group has openings for LASIK
The team at Eye Specialty Group loves performing LASIK during the spring for all the above reasons. If you’ve been considering LASIK, schedule a consultation with us. We could have you out of those glasses and contacts just in time for those carefree springtime adventures.
Still not sure when is the best time for LASIK? Eye Specialty Group is happy to give you all the information you need to plan your procedure for a time that fits your schedule, lifestyle and visual goals.
Eye Specialty Group offers patients a wide range of vision services, from specialized glaucoma treatment, laser cataract surgery and retina surgery to LASIK and eye reconstructive surgery. Vision correction procedures include Blade-Free iLASIK, PRK, Implantable Contact Lenses, Clear Lens Exchange and Blade-Free Laser Cataract surgery with Lifestyle IOLs. Our dedicated and caring professionals are here to provide the best possible care to you and your family. Contact us at (901) 685-2200 or visit us online at EyeSpecialtyGroup.com.