Human beings have a remarkable ability to adapt. So remarkable, in fact, that we often make subtle adjustments to compensate for changes without being aware we’re doing it or without sharing concerns with others.
Alert loved ones can spot changes in behavior in each other that could signal problems that need to be addressed. If you notice any of these behaviors, it may be time for a visit to an ophthalmologist.
- Less time spent on favorite hobbies
Vision problems can make it uncomfortable for someone to participate in certain activities – and independent people may hesitate to broach the subject. If you notice Grandpa has stopped reading the comics pages or Mom is suddenly reluctant to drive, ask if it’s vision related.
- Squinting and blinking more than usual
We’ve all seen people hold a restaurant menu at arm’s length in order to read it. This is often due to presbyopia, or “over 40 vision,” when our aging eyes start to have trouble with near vision. Everyone fortunate enough to live into old age will experience this eventually. However, if a friend or relative seems to struggle to focus even while wearing their most current reading glasses – especially if they’re young or the change is sudden – there could be something else going on.
- Holding objects too close
People often adjust to changing vision without even realizing they’re doing it. So, if you notice a loved one is viewing objects from a shorter and shorter distance, make them aware. They may be compensating for fading eyesight without knowing it.
- Becoming accident prone
Has your usually surefooted dad suddenly started tripping on things or running into furniture? He may not be able to see them. Certain eye conditions can create blind spots in vision. For example, loss of central vision can happen due to glaucoma. Diabetic retinopathy can damage peripheral vision and cataracts cause overall blurriness.
- Changes in eye color
You may notice a loved one has red eyes lately, or even a change in the color of their irises. While ambient light, colors or pupil dilation can make the eyes appear slightly different in color, significant changes can signal problems. A visit to an eye doctor can help you rule out disease, injury, infection or other inflammation.
If you notice any of these symptoms in someone you know – or in yourself – make an appointment with Eye Specialty Group to make sure your eyes are healthy. You may need an update to your contacts or eyeglasses prescription, or you may be a candidate for permanent vision correction through LASIK.
Eye Specialty Group offers patients a wide range of vision services, from specialized glaucoma treatment, laser cataract surgery and retina surgery to LASIK and eye reconstructive surgery. Vision correction procedures include All-Laser iLASIK, PRK, Implantable Contact Lenses, Clear Lens Exchange and Blade-Free Laser Cataract surgery with Lifestyle Lens IOLs. Our dedicated and caring professionals are here to provide the best possible care to you and your family. Contact us at (901) 685-2200 or visit us online at EyeSpecialtyGroup.com.